Improve Your Health and Fitness

Let our experts fill you in on their own health and fitness secrets

While there are many standing twist asanas or postures in yoga, the basic standing twist asana is a fairly easy and stress-free posture to practice while warming up. It helps promote spinal mobility and tones the muscles of the abdomen and waist.

In order to begin the standing twist asana, you should start by positioning yourself in the standing upright pose or samasthiti. This asana is also referred to as the mountain pose or tadasana. It helps promote good posture, and it is recommended that you incorporate this asana into all aspects of your daily life, including when you walk, sit, work, and relax. Samasthiti is also important, because it is the beginning point for most standing postures in yoga, so you should learn it early on in your training.

1. To assume the samasthiti asana, stand upright with your feet together and your arms at your sides.
2. Your shoulders should be relaxed, and your entire body, including your head, neck, spine, and legs, should be standing upright in a vertical line. You should not be slouching in this posture, nor should you be standing too rigidly. Your head should be relaxed with your chin held level, but not stiffly.
3. Now, to move into the standing twist asana, extend your arms in front of your chest so that your palms are facing downward and your thumbs are touching.
4. While keeping your eyes on the backs of your hands, carefully swing your body as far as possible to the left without shifting the positioning of your feet.
5. Stay in this position for about five seconds before swinging your body toward the middle.
6. Repeat the posture by swinging your body as far to the right as possible without shifting the position of your feet.

Although breathing is very important in yoga, many practitioners will caution against focusing one's attention too much on the breath. While it is definitely wise to make sure that you continue to breathe deeply throughout your yoga posturing, you should not worry too much about getting the exact breathing techniques mastered until you have learned how to truly perform the yoga asanas and have practiced yoga for at least one year. Even so, if you are interested in the breathing techniques for the standing twist asana, make sure to breathe out as you initially twist to the left, and breathe in as you twist back toward the center. Repeat this sequence while twisting to the right.

Obesity is a major problem in society today. It has already been identified as a major contributor of major ailments and conditions like diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, and osteoarthritis. Obesity can be attributed to living a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, and hormones. Doctors would normally suggest diet and exercise but most overweight people find these hard to do. Going to the gym should be squeezed into their schedule and dieting means eating bland food. The next best thing, or most convenient to some, is taking diet pills.

The number of people seeking weight loss benefits from diet pills is so great that there are countless of weight loss products in the market today. Are they safe to use? Of course, the manufacturers will not tell you that they are not. Remember that these are medications and they have chemicals that may or may not harm your body. The side effects may even be a greater problem for you.

Are you taking diet pills to lose weight? Here are some things you should know to identify the side effects of your diet pills:

1. Take note of changes in the way your digestive system is working. Since the pill goes straight to your tummy, your digestive system will be the first to be affected. Expect nausea and vomiting. Some diet pills may cause you to pass gas more often or for you to have loose bowel movements. Most dieters may disregard these as minor side effects but be cautious about the possibility of dehydration because of vomiting and loose bowel movement.
2. Check your heart rate or pulse rate. Phentermine, a common diet pill, can cause palpitations. Even just a simple walk in the park or being surprised may trigger palpitation. Most often than not, diet pills have an effect on the blood pressure. Stop taking these pills should you feel your heart race often.
3. Observe the way you perform your daily tasks. Diet pills may let you experience vision problems as a complication of rising blood pressure. Diet pills may also affect your balance. You may suddenly feel dizzy after standing up from a sitting position. It may slow down the way you process thoughts in your brain and affect your reflects. Make sure that your diet pill do not give you these effects especially if you drive yourself to work.
4. Assess your moods. Do you experience mood swings? It is definitely a side effect of the diet pills you are taking. Appetite suppressants will give you trouble getting enough sleep. Thus, during the day, you will naturally feel irritable and less patient. Other diet pills can make a person very nervous and anxious even on simple things.

Taking diet pills is generally a personal decision of the person who is desperate to lose weight. However, it is very important to consider their side effects because these greatly affect the physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being of the person.

An elliptical machine is also known as an elliptical trainer, which is best for cardiovascular exercises but not too harsh to those people who are very sensitive to joint pains. The reason for the latter is because there is less pounding involved in the joints when one is exercising using the elliptical trainer. In order to meet the multiple fitness needs of people, elliptical trainers now come in various kinds:

1. Ironman Elliptical Trainer - This kind of elliptical trainer is purposely devised for those people who are serious in their fitness regimen and like doing workouts. According to several exercise machine reviews, this elliptical trainer is a winner when we take into consideration its durability because it is made from steel and mind you, it is not just any ordinary steel, but heavy gauge steel. It is therefore expected that Ironman Elliptical Trainers will last a long time to the point of being passed on as a family heirloom. Another outstanding feature is its very large LCD display, which shows the amount of calories you have burned among other things.
2. Elliptical Horizon - This is another kind of elliptical trainer available in leading department stores like Walmart, which is as good as the previous one when it comes to weight loss and as a fitness regimen. However, the downside for this particular equipment is that the brakes need to be checked often since they are not very durable. The use of this machine is also difficult for those people who are not gifted in height. Despite all these, the ratings of some consumers reflect that this is still worth its price provided the warranty period is extended or when it is put on sale.
3. NordicTrack Elliptical Trainers - Its good brand name is one of the reasons why this particular elliptical trainer is a big hit since it is under the subsidiary of Icon Health and Fitness. They have a complete line of equipment that are further subdivided into a series like the commercial series for gym use, the ramp series, the spacesaver series and a lot more.
4. Orbitrek Elliptical Glider - This kind of trainer is not suited for gym use because of its elliptical spectrum which is not really all that good. However, this can still be used in homes. The unusual noise and movements are just some of the problems posed by former users. But still, this trainer, as home equipment, is still trying its best to deliver maximum benefit.
5. Proform Elliptical Trainer - Just like the NordicTrack Elliptical Trainers, this is under the subsidiary of Icon Health and Fitness. This is not ideal for hardcore health buffs because this kind of machine is merely light duty. Nevertheless, the aesthetics of Proform trainers is the main reason why this brand is still sellable.

These days, advertisers are riding on the bandwagon for health conscious people because it has a very good market. There are so many health teas, vitamin waters and weight-loss tablets available for sale. Although some are backed up by scientific evidence, there is still no hardcore proof that these products are indeed effective. Hence, why not start a fitness routine and try using the elliptical machine.

Summer can present many opportunities for fun, but summer stress is also extremely common and can take a significant toll. The following strategies can be especially timely during the summer season.

* Keep Kids Occupied
If you don’t have your kids in some type of summer camp (or even if you do), you’ll need to have some enriching activities to keep them happy and stimulated so boredom doesn’t create misery for all of you. Allowing your older children to plan activities for younger kids (like ‘treasure hunts’ around the house, or games of hide-and-seek) can be a great way to keep everyone occupied in a constructive way. So can the old standbys: couch forts, board games, and educational outings. The following things can provide an extra 'grab bag' of ideas to keep everyone happy and sane.

* Pace Yourself
While summer offers many opportunities for fun activities, keep in mind that it’s okay to say no to some. Sometimes even fun activities can lead to stress if your schedule is overloaded, so carefully choose among the barbeques, beach days, soirees and other activities and just do what you think you’ll truly enjoy, remembering to also schedule in some down time.

* Set Boundaries
While you’re already setting boundaries on your social schedule, you may need to remember to set boundaries at work as well. Don’t let the siren song of summer steal your focus from your job duties—stay as productive as possible—but be careful not to take on too many of your vacationing co-workers’ responsibilities either. Teamwork is a good thing; just don’t take on an overwhelming amount of extra work if you have a choice. (This article on how to say no can help.)

* Try A Staycation or Playcation
Yes, staycations, and even playcations, have become the new vacations of choice for those who can't spare the time or the money for a traditional vacation. In some cases, these can even be better for your stress levels. (Ever hear of someone coming back from their too-busy vacation feeling like they need a vacation from their vacation? Or of a 'working vacation' that just turned into an exercise in 'working from a less convenient location'?) The key is to make relaxation or playtime the primary focus--even if for only a day or two--and get the benefit of vacations without all the expense! (And, if you do take an actual trip, remember to leave work at home and keep things simple.)

* Take a Mini-Vacation
If you don’t have the time, money or ability to take a full-blown vacation, you can achieve many of the same benefits by taking a mini-vacation at home. The main idea is to stop the hectic flow of activities, escape the mundane madness of daily life, or turn off the phone for a few hours. See this article for specific suggestions for mini-vacations when the real deal isn’t an option.

* Take Advantage of Summer Stress Relievers
Summer provides extra daylight hours for morning exercise, relaxing evening activities and fun in the garden. If you have kids around, you can also try some of these stress relievers you can do with your kids, or if you don’t have children, you can still enjoy these stress relievers for your inner child.

Danger Zone 1: parties, special occasions and holiday celebrations
Diet Destructors Not having a plan, feeling deprived, peer pressure, gluttony
You can stick to your diet without being a party pooper. Before heading out the door in those 3-inch slingbacks, decide what your limit will be. Will you have just one piece of pie instead of the usual two, or perhaps skip dessert altogether in favor of a favorite entree? Make those choices before the event. And, just for extra insurance, set a goal for morning-after damage control. For example, you might decide that if you overindulge, you'll eat lighter meals for a few days afterward and increase your cardio workouts. Consider especially the impact of your beverage choices: "Alcohol is frequently served at celebrations, which lowers inhibitions and makes you more likely to make a bad food choice," Washington cautions.

Danger Zone 2: work
Diet Destructors Peer pressure, not having a plan, "stuck" syndrome
With doughnuts, vending machines and birthday cakes around virtually every corner, there are very few places the Diet Destructors love more than the workplace. Your best chance for success in adhering to a healthy diet while at work is to enlist help from like-minded colleagues. Consider taking turns bringing healthful foods to meetings, or ask the person in charge of refreshments to offer some healthier options such as fresh fruit and yogurt or whole-wheat bagels and lowfat cream cheese. For maximum control of work-time eating, you'll need to plan ahead and bring your own healthful lunch and snacks from home. Keep a jar of almonds in a desk drawer and have two dozen nuts and a small piece of fruit instead of a candy bar when an afternoon slump hits. For around 200 calories you'll get a balanced mini-meal with about 6 grams of protein.

Danger Zone 3: happy hour
Diet Destructors Peer pressure, fatigue, "stuck" syndrome
Sometimes it's fun to relax after 5 p.m. with co-workers, but just as often happy hour turns into an extension of the workday tedium. Whether happy hour is a command performance or an enjoyable reprieve, the advice is the same, Washington says: "Start out with water or seltzer to hydrate yourself. Sometimes we drink too much alcohol after a long day of work simply because we're thirsty." When it's time to order appetizers, get involved and put your vote in for the healthiest options, like a veggie platter with salsa or grilled chicken strips. If you know you'll be at a restaurant that has only high-fat choices, eat a piece of fruit or handful of nuts before you leave work so you won't be as tempted to overeat the fatty stuff like cheese nachos and fried potato skins.

Danger Zone 4: the gym
Diet Destructors Not having a plan, fatigue
Gyms and health clubs have expanded into the lucrative fast-food market, selling everything from energy bars and sports waters to smoothies and protein drinks. But just because these foods are available at your gym doesn't mean they're low in fat or calories. Judy Phillips, M.S., R.D., project manager of the childhood obesity program at South End Community Health Center in Boston, recommends saving calories and money by skipping these tempting products. "If you're eating normal, well-spaced meals throughout the day, don't bother with food at the gym. Bring an orange for after exercise if you feel you need it," she says.

Danger Zone 5: vacations
Diet Destructors Not having a plan, gluttony, "stuck" syndrome
Vacations are all about taking a break from our normal routines. As a result, we often end up breaking our diet rules and gaining weight. All-inclusive vacations and cruises in particular can be challenging. Being on a luxury liner is like being on a floating island loaded with fabulous, free food, says Karl Muhlberger, corporate executive chef for the five-star Cunard cruise line. "Most people feel like, 'Hey, I paid for this and I want to enjoy it.'" But it is possible to eat healthy by choosing the right cruise. Cunard's Queen Mary 2, for example, has a Canyon Ranch SpaClub right on board, and Cunard's other ships offer vegetarian, low-carb and lowfat menus. No matter what your vacation destination, avoid packing on the pounds by planning how you'll eat before you go. One solution is to choose to treat yourself on even days and practice moderation on odd days. Or, if you decide you want to enjoy whatever you want whenever you want it, include a plan for getting back on track as soon as you return home.

Danger Zone 6: air travel
Diet Destructors Fatigue, not having a plan, "stuck" syndrome
There is perhaps no time in your life when you are more at the mercy of a bad food environment than when you're in the air. "You can literally spend your whole day with no access to wholesome food," says Michel Nischan, Fairfield, Conn.-based author of the best-selling cookbook Taste Pure and Simple (Chronicle Books, 2003) and executive chef for Song airline. "First of all, you've got the stress of travel, which makes you more nervous and likely to eat anyway. And then you finally say to yourself, 'I'm just going to go get whatever I can find.' And it's maybe some giant muffin with 1,000 calories."

Last year Song launched a buy-on-board menu of organic meals and vegetarian entrees. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine rated 10 top airlines for healthful food selections, and Song received the highest marks. So when you book your ticket, inquire about nutritionally sound food choices. If the prospects aren't appealing, bring your own wholesome snacks, such as apples, dried fruit or nuts to tide you over until you reach your destination.

Get fit in a summer-friendly weight room — the pool

Water-based lifting, core conditioning, and cardio. Offered in a variety of formats at almost any fitness club with a pool, classes use flotation devices to create resistance below the water, resulting in a full-body, nonimpact workout that can rival even the most strenuous strength training.


In addition to strengthening your core, aqua training is also ideal for increasing flexibility and smashing through plateaus in the weight room.

A typical class starts with a warm-up designed to increase the core body temperature. From there, it goes to different strength and cardio exercises. One of the more popular pieces of equipment is the handheld buoy — essentially the dumbbell of aqua training. It's used to add extra resistance to various exercises. You may also end up moving through the water with a kickboard or even perched on the edge of the pool.

Want to get your family moving? Tempt kids with these irresistible activities. If you play along, your children are more likely to want to join in. Plus, you'll reap the fitness benefits too.

1. Hit the playground.
"Preschooler on playground climber"Catherine Holecko
Most kids can't help but move their muscles when faced with a tempting array of climbers, swings, and slides. Sandbox play counts too; all that digging and scooping is great for the arms. Mix things up more by:

* Bringing some extra toys (balls, kites, jump ropes)
* Meeting another family there and playing together
* Playing obstacle course—chart out a wacky route and see who can do it the fastest
* Trying out a new playground to check out its offerings—anything different from your usual haunts?

2. Teach classic backyard games.
Recruit a few neighborhood kids to join in, or just play as a family. Remember Red Rover and Four Square? Inside, try get-moving games such as Twister and Hullabaloo.

3. Have some good clean fun.
Tackling housework together is more fun than doing it alone, takes less time, and gets everyone up and moving. Older kids can vacuum and mop; littler ones can dust and wipe. Everyone can help sort laundry or move it from one machine to another (extra points for hanging it outside on the line!). Outside, take on sweeping, raking, weeding, digging, or watering chores together.

4. Host a dance party.
This works indoors, outdoors, anywhere, anytime. All you need is some jammin' music. If you start shaking your groove thing, your kids will clamor to join in. For extra incentive, bring out some dress-up items for props (filmy scarves, silly hats, or feather boas are perfect).

5. Walk!
Take a family stroll after dinner, walk to school and back, take your dog on a spin around the block, do errands on foot or park at the far end of the parking lot. Consider outfitting the whole family with inexpensive pedometers, then tracking your steps together. Set goals and reward yourselves with a family outing (bowling, batting cages, etc.)

I just saw a very interesting piece from CBS News (embedded above) that tells of a project that one very optimistic and enterprising soul named Colette Hiller decided to take on: scattering 30 pianos in random public places around London. Their puropse? To inspire impromptu public sing-alongs among strangers. The goal? To foster goodwill and social bonding among the people in the city, who may need a pick-me-up because of the recession and other real-world stressors.

It may sound like a lot of work and expense to procure 30 pianos, secure them in various locations, and protect them from the weather, all while complying with city ordinances and filing appropriate paperwork. It was. But the effect seems to be a great success: people around the city, people who otherwise tend to keep to themselves, shared music and goodwill, and found their days becoming a little brighter.

I'm sharing this story with you because it makes me smile, and because we can learn something from this project, even if we don't have real-life access to ransom public pianos:

1. Music really can be a pick-me-up, and can brighten your day. (Read more about the benefits of music.)

2. Feeling connected to others can also brighten your day. It's worth going outside of yourself to connect with others, even if they're strangers. (Read more about the reasons to smile at others.)

3. The 'Random Acts of Kindness' movement is still alive, and still bringing happiness to people. It's worth going through some effort to bring extra happiness to someone's day--that can bring happiness to yours as well! (Read more about the benefits of altruism.)

4. Happiness is contagious. (Read about shortcuts to happiness.)

Obviously, scattering a bunch of free pianos around town is a serious undertaking, and is a rare enough act to make international news. However, kind acts are performed every day, by all types of people, and they count, too. What nice things have you done to help others? What nice things have others done to put a smile on your face? Share your 'Acts of Kindness' stories here in the comments--you'll make many people smile!

There are a lot of advertisements claiming that their products can help you get rid of stress. There is no problem in giving them a try, actually. However, it is most helpful to know what causes your stress so you know the best thing to do to combat it. One of the things that you can try is time management. Doing this won't need even a single cent from you.

Do you know why are you feeling stressed out? Have you been figuring out why there are so many things to do but you have so little time? Are stacks of paper piling higher and higher on your desk? Do you feel there is no point for you to finish them anymore? Surely, the most helpful thing for you will be to take control of your time. Once you manage to do it, you are definitely out of that nightmare.

When you do not complete your tasks, it often causes you headache. Whether you are at work, school, or home, finding yourself unproductive is stressful indeed. So what could you do now to wake up from this nightmare? Handling your time is the best way to start. Here's how.

* Know your priorities. Check out important matters and give your attention to them first. In this case, you can avoid investing so much time in trivial matters that won't lighten your load in any way.

* Make a daily plan. Writing down your schedule for the day will help you. If you know what you need to be doing at a specific time and you follow that schedule, there is no question that you will complete everything that needs to be done. Just make sure your list contains all you should do in a day to help you not miss a task.

* Ask for help. Don't play superman. You don't need to do all the tasks. Why not consider only those important and beneficial things? If you are working in a group, why not delegate someone to do it for you? In the first place, you need not take on all the tasks of the group individually, right?

* Give your best. Make sure that what you are doing at the moment is the right thing. It would definitely save you time if you don't have to redo your work because of errors.

* Get enough rest and sleep. Once you get enough of down time, you will perform more efficiently in your work.

* Enjoy a break. Nothing will happen if you try to do things when you are too tired. It's always better to take a break from work.

* Attend trainings. Take some time out for time management training if you think you really cannot handle creating a system on your own even after reading self-help articles and books. Some software
can help you handle time, too.

There are still a lot of ways to help you out in your time management. Articles and software are readily available for you with the same purpose. You may relax and try to help yourself by managing your time. Stop asking yourself if and why you are stressed right now. Give yourself a good and less stressful break. Start with controlling your time.

Building strong biceps is an essential part of any good upper body workout routine. Some people may tend to ignore the bicep. During an upper body workout, we have to know when we feel comfortable working out the biceps, and what mode of strengthening them is most enjoyable at any given time.

The most common form of bicep workout is through curls. There are several ways to do curls:

* Sit at a curling bench with a number of different holds on a bar.
* Sit at a curling bench with dumbbells.
* You can sit on the edge of a bench with a dumbbell and curl with an elbow on one knee.
* Stand with a straight bar and use your torso to elevate your weight.
* Stand with a dumbbell in each hand and do curls with both hands.
* Do pull ups with one or both arms, or pull yourself into a beam while leaning and using your body weight.

A combination of some of these modes of exercise may be the most effective solution to that day's workout. If you have a training log, write down what works best each day and your mood. You can tailor the building of strong biceps to your mood each time you work out. You can really figure out your own workout style this way.

Perhaps one day you will find that you are not in the mood to actually go out to a gym, but you still desire a good upper body workout which strengthens your biceps. Find a column and pull yourself into that. This is fun, easy, and it works well. Maybe you have just had a cardiovascular workout and are too tired to stand and do curls. Sit and do curls to continue your workout with an upper-body cool down workout.

Building strong biceps means regularly working out your biceps. To properly work them your biceps, you need variety. A variety of bicep strengthening exercises keeps the trainee interested in the goal, which is to strengthen the biceps. Perhaps you may discover a unique way to strengthen your arms that feels comfortable to you or that you find engaging. Experiment, figure out which techniques work best for you on certain days, and you will be able to keep yourself motivated to accomplish your workout goals.

There are countless times that many organizations and even specialists warn people about water conservation and water safety. Their claim--the water you and your family drink may be contaminated. It's a very serious claim, especially as it threatens the safety and health of the entire family. Now, you want the water quality of your tap water to be tested.

It's actually a wise thought to have a water quality test. So, before you take a water sample to your most trusted laboratory associations, check your water resources first to see if they produce potentially harmful water.

You just need to assess the odor, taste, and color of the water. Be alerted if these properties are abnormal. Normal water is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. Your water may be contaminated if it has a foul smell, tastes like rust, or has a tinted color.

Here's how your water should be tested:

1. List your own observations on the water. The laboratory will need to consider your own observations for comparison with their lab results. You may also list other reasons why you suspect that the water is contaminated. These instances may be gastrointestinal illness of a family member, etc.

2. Call the laboratory that will test the water. They will give you instructions on how to properly collect samples from your water resources. The instructions differ depending on the laboratory you will choose and the kind of test they will do. Usually, they will give you bottles or containers to collect the samples. Follow their instructions and standards carefully, because a simple mistake might produce inaccurate findings.

3. The water will be tested by the laboratory. They can do the basic evaluation for the water by discovering its standards, composition and the chemical or mineral contents. The result will be assessed to see if it passed the minimum criteria for health and safety. If not, most laboratories will do a special water test. This test can be:

* Bacteriological Test. This test will show whether your water is contaminated by any disease-causing bacteria.
* Mineral Test. This test is intended to reveal the minerals suspended in the water and the percentage of each of these minerals. Imbalance of minerals is very dangerous for the health and even for water-using household appliances.
* Chemical Test. Chemicals like pesticides and petroleum products may threaten health when they contaminate water. This test is made to determine whether the water has any of these hazardous chemicals.

You can consider getting the laboratory services of your municipal water supply system. They do regular monitoring and tests of the water's contaminants. Your national health department may also be helpful in conducting bacteriological tests. Also, state universities have laboratories capable of testing water quality. Other trusted entities that can test water quality are local engineering firms and associations, water management treatment companies, and any private testing labs.

Water conservation as a part of water management really makes sense. But it is more beneficial for all if the water supply that we conserve is safe. So if you notice something suspicious about your tap water quality, act immediately and call the nearest testing center.

Drug addiction is never good. It not only destroys the life of a drug abuser, but also wrecks havoc on the lives of that person's family and friends. As with any disease, the best cure for drug addiction is early intervention - suspected drug abusers should be tested and subsequently medicated and rehabilitated before they overdose themselves with drugs. So what do you do if you suspect that one of your family members, friends, or relatives is abusing drugs? Test them.

Of course, this is easier said than done. A suspected drug addict will deny their addiction even if they are caught red-handed. They will even refuse subtle suggestions to get drug treatment and rehabilitation, though you have the best intentions. Thus, it may be prudent to use non-invasive tactics to confirm your suspicion. Instant drug test kits are very handy in this kind of situation. Here we describe some instant drug test kits that you can use to test for drug abuse.

* Hair Follicle Drug Test. Perhaps the inconspicuous and most non-invasive way to test someone suspected of drug abuse is through his hair. Law enforcement officials trust this test because of its zero-"tolerance" feature, which means that it can detect drugs used by the individual in the last 90 days, regardless of the amount. Drugs that can be detected in a standard hair test include cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, and phenycyclidine.

If you are planning to use this test, you need at least 40 milligrams of hair. This converts to about 50-70 strands that are at least 1.5 inches in length. If there is little hair to be collected from the head, you can try hair from other locations on the body except the pubic areas.

* Saliva Drug Test. Next to hair follicles, saliva drug testing might be your next best bet to confirm your suspicions. However, there is a small window of time to administer this test after recent drug use - saliva drug tests should be administered within 12 to 24 hours of drug use. Marijuana, heroin, cocaine and amphetamines can be detected using this testing procedure. In this test, you need to collect samples of saliva using saliva strips or a mouth pad. There's no need to go anywhere, which makes this test hard to adulterate. Because of its ease of use and non-invasive nature, many employees and parents prefer to use saliva drug tests.

* Urine Drug Test. This is another non-invasive way to confirm drug abuse. It can detect the use of many drugs, including heroin drugs. Unfortunately, its efficacy is a matter of debate. Still, many parents and authorities choose this option when conducting "surprise" drug testing.

These are just a few tests that you can do to confirm the drug addiction of your relative or friend. Once your suspicions have been validated, seek help immediately. Convince the person to get drug treatment, medication or rehabilitation. Your vigilance will, hopefully, save a life.

You might end up thinking, "That could not probably make enough of a difference.And I'd feel silly doing it." First, the longest journey starts with a single step. And second, would you rather feel stupid being fat and unfit or doing something about it? I thought so. Here are 7 tips to change your life.

Vinyl Ready Art - Holidays

Diet Tip 1 : Move. Twiddle your thumbs. Squeeze one of those little exercise balls while you watch television to burn energy and tone your arms at the same time. Take that more distant parking spot. Even if you have physical restrictions, you can tailor a program to your requirements. Move whatever you can, whenever and wherever you can. And just think - laughing is good exercise. It’s like jogging on the inside.

Diet Tip 2 : Portions and Proportions. Concentrate on portion sizes according to the eating plan you select. Use a smaller size plate – don’t supersize it! Use some of the simple guidelines like “3 oz. of protein is about the size of your palm or a deck of playing cards” or “one serving of rice is the size of a tennis ball”.

Diet Tip 3 : Substitute low calorie Density Foods for High. Select foods with low cal density foods that have less calories relative to their weight. If you decrease the energy density of your diet, caloric intake will decline, says Barbara Rolls, professor of nutritive sciences at Pennsylvania State School and co-writer together with Robert Barnett of The Volumetrics Eating Plan. Foods like fruit and vegetables and salad greens and broth. The magic ingredient these foods possess is water! Water has zero calories, so the more volume represented by water, the less room there is for calories. Water also creates a feeling of fullness, helping one to eat less.

Diet Tip 4 : Be conscious of What You Eat. Keep a food diary and be honest, because no one but you is going to see it. Don't forget the spoon that you licked while putting away the left-overs or the sampling ( s ) you had while changing the seasoning. It will help you determine your eating habits. Keep it long enough and patterns begin to appear.

Diet Tip 5 : Eat More Slowly. This allows your body the several minutes it takes to signal your brain that it is full.

Diet Tip six : Try New herbs and spices in the place of Butter and Salt. When food tastes different or more flavorsome, we have a tendency to savor it more and eat slower.

Diet Tip 7: Add Variety. Along the same lines, The American Dietetic Association recommends increasing variety. Often adding a single new food to your diet can end boredom and increase nutrition.

Do you have any tips you feel should be added to the above that you have successfully applied to change your health?